Sunday 17 June 2012

Weekends are short

How is it fair that you have to work 5 out of 7 days and spend just 2 days with the ones you love?

How is it fair that out of a 24 hour day you sleep 8 hours, work an average of 8 hours and get 8 hours to spend with your loved ones?

Who chooses out of free will to spend an equal amount of time with family and friends and work colleagues?!

Even worse, if we spend as much time with work colleagues as with family, why do we not get a vote when hiring new people? No matter if you like them or not, you have to spend an awful lot of time with them...

All in all, I think it's unfair that we gotta work as much as normally acceptable to be able to secure a pension to allow us to do what we wanted to do in the first place.

But I guess it's just me moaning about a Sunday night knowing I've got to wake up early again tomorrow... Promise to have more cheerful thoughts tomorrow!

And that's my thought of the day.

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